
Science and Technology

A portable blood test device for HIV has been created

Tests an extremely affordable blood test kit, the size of a credit card that is capable of detecting infections within minutes ...
01 August 2011, 22:07

Head injuries increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke tenfold

After traumatic brain injury (TST), the risk of a stroke in the next three months grows tenfold ...
01 August 2011, 21:54

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria multiply faster

The consistent introduction of antibiotic resistance into the bacterial genome stimulates the bacterial growth rate ...
01 August 2011, 21:49

Astronomers have developed a method of treating cancer

In the process of studying stars and even holes, astronomers have found out that heavy metals emit low-energy electrons if they are irradiated with X-rays of a certain power.
31 July 2011, 18:19

Researchers have detected antibodies that can defeat all types of influenza A

Employees of the National Institute of Medical Research in London have discovered a previously unknown type of antibodies that can neutralize all varieties of the influenza virus ...
31 July 2011, 18:15

Testosterone treats allergies and inflammatory processes

Testosterone makes men less susceptible to diseases involving inflammation, and allergies ...
28 July 2011, 22:51

Researchers found a way to naturally prevent HIV infection

Scientists have developed a new method of preventing HIV infection by forcing bacteria naturally inhabiting the human vagina to block the transmission of the immunodeficiency virus ...
28 July 2011, 22:27

A revolutionary way to diagnose Alzheimer's disease is found (video)

Over the past 10 years, scientists have not abandoned attempts to find a way to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease ...
28 July 2011, 22:08

It is worth once to gain weight and never lose weight

Scientists came to the conclusion that once you are fat, you will never lose weight. Diets can help, but only for a short time ...
25 July 2011, 16:41

Created a portable device for detecting drugs in the body by fingerprint

A portable device for detecting drugs in the body from a fingerprint was developed. Such devices are planned to be supplied to the traffic police ...
25 July 2011, 16:20


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