
Science and Technology

The future of the embryo can be predicted by the nature of the movement of the egg

Immediately after fertilization, the cytoplasm of the egg starts to move, and the nature and speed of the cytoplasm can determine whether the embryo is viable.
10 August 2011, 19:04

Sun and vitamin D significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay

Experts from the American Center for Sunlight, Nutrition and Health (SUNARC), after analyzing the results of several studies, concluded that sun and vitamin D significantly reduce the risk of caries.
10 August 2011, 19:01

Scientists from the United States have developed a universal antiviral drug

The protein antiviral complex, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), successfully eliminates 15 viruses, from influenza to Dengue fever.
10 August 2011, 18:50

Vaccine from baker's yeast is effective against fungal diseases

The vaccine from baker's yeast is effective against a number of fungal infectious diseases, including aspergillosis and coccidioidosis.
10 August 2011, 18:23

A virus is created that traces HIV-infected cells

Professor Ping Wang from the University of Southern California (USA) and colleagues created a virus that traces HIV-infected cells.
09 August 2011, 19:27

Scientists have identified a gene that regulates heart rhythm

Researchers have identified a gene on which the quality of cell-cell contacts in the conduction system of the heart depends. Disturbances in his work caused mismatch and poor distribution of the neuromuscular signal in the cardiac muscle.
09 August 2011, 19:13

Cultivation of stem cells in the laboratory will overcome the immune rejection of organs

Preliminary cultivation of these cells in the laboratory for about a week may allow one to overcome one of the most difficult obstacles to successful transplantation - immune rejection.
08 August 2011, 19:52

Biologists have found a protein that can be the cause of the phantom sense of bitterness

Biologists have discovered a protein that breaks off the molecular signals of bitterness. If there is no this protein in the taste cells, then animals and man can not get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste.
08 August 2011, 17:12

A mathematical model of tumor growth has been developed

Physicist Sihui Tsoy of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, who together with colleagues, developed a mathematical model of how the tumor will develop. Scientists analyzed detailed images of tumors taken from cancer-infected mice and blood vessels feeding them at different stages of development.
07 August 2011, 10:49

Scientists managed to reprogram stem cells into spermatozoon precursor cells

Recently, scientists from the University of Kyoto (Kyoto University) have found a way to reprogram the mouse embryonic stem cells into spermatozoon precursor cells and, using the resulting sperm, get normal mice. Their research can eventually lead to the development of fundamentally new methods of treating male infertility.
07 August 2011, 10:41


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