
Science and Technology

Stem cells are discovered that trigger hair growth

Employees of Yale University (USA) have discovered the source of signals that trigger hair growth. Opening can lead to the development of fundamentally new treatments for alopecia.
04 September 2011, 17:24

Scientists have built a "flavor map" of the brain

For the taste sensations in our brain is not the complex of multifaceted neurons, as was thought, but a set of clusters of nerve cells responsible for some specific taste.
02 September 2011, 23:13

Erythrocytes from a test tube have successfully taken root in the human body

Erythrocytes from a test tube successfully take root in the human body, which was first shown by a group of researchers from several French research institutes.
02 September 2011, 23:08

Scientists have developed an automatic innovative injection needle

Innovative needle will avoid mistakes when injections into the vein, and hence - repeated injections. About a third of all intravenous injections end in that the needle pierces the vessel through and the administration of the medicine becomes impossible. We have to make one more attempt.
02 September 2011, 22:45

Scientists have developed a virus that destroys cancer cells

A virus is obtained, which itself finds cancer cells and inhibits the growth of a metastatic tumor, without touching healthy tissues. Our immune system must monitor cases of cancer degeneration and eliminate cells that have become alien to the body.
01 September 2011, 22:16

Artificial meat will go on sale in a few years

If artificial meat can be brought to perfection, an expensive process will move to the meat processing plants of the future, where the same will be done faster and cheaper.
01 September 2011, 22:10

Intestinal bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus develop stress resistance and masculinity

Intestinal bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus interfere with the behavior and physiology of the brain of mice, making their hosts more cold-blooded, courageous and stress-resistant.
30 August 2011, 14:31

The mating of Neanderthals with other groups of ancient people improved human immunity

The mating of Neanderthals with representatives of other groups of ancient people played an important role in the formation of the immune system of modern man, American scientists reported in an article published in the journal Science.
28 August 2011, 23:42

Scientists managed to grow a transplant from the patient's stem cells

Cancer is the most common cause of death in the world, from it more than seven million people die each year. Cancer can affect any part of the body, and the chances of survival may vary depending on the type of cancer and where the patient lives.
25 August 2011, 00:42

"Hormone sex" prevents the development of cancer

The hormone calcitonin strongly worsens the prognosis of patients with certain types of cancer. Scientists believe that the content of calcitonin can be reduced by switching the activating enzyme to another hormone, oxytocin, which is associated with a sense of sexual pleasure and satisfaction.
25 August 2011, 00:28


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