
Science and Technology

Moderate and constant use of alcohol after 50 years guarantees healthy aging

Scientists at Harvard University conducted a study in which 14,000 nurses took part and concluded that 15-30 grams of alcohol a day had a beneficial effect on the health of women over 50,
08 September 2011, 21:39

Scientists have identified the main cause of hydrocephalus

In the abnormally enlarged head and brain in newborns, the inappropriate activity of progenitor cells of neurons is to blame, which, when divided, clogs the channels for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain.
08 September 2011, 21:16

Scientists questioned that the female orgasm is a by-product of the evolution of men

Doubts related to female orgasm were almost solved in the theory formulated in 2005. It emerged that this is a by-product of male evolution: men received an important and appropriate orgasm for them, and women also got something from this evolutionary process.
07 September 2011, 21:16

IQ of a person directly depends on infectious diseases

The mind is the most precious thing in the world. Not for money, but for a common currency for all biology - energy. As one study showed, the newborn spends almost 90% of the calories received for the construction and operation of the brain.
07 September 2011, 21:07

Swiss engineers have developed a technology of "mental control" of objects

Swiss engineers built a robot to transfer the effect of telepresence, control of which requires only a network of electrodes attached to the user's head.
07 September 2011, 20:56

Scientists have created the world's first drug that slows down the development of cataracts

Scientists who created the world's first medicine, which slows the development of cataracts and delays its formation, were among the five finalists of the competition of business projects organized by the University of Queensland (Australia).
06 September 2011, 22:06

Sex hormones determine the future predisposition of the body to diseases

The cells of the embryo are very sensitive to the level of sex hormones; the preponderance of estrogens or testosterone in the early stages of development can manifest itself not only in innocuous anatomical features, but also in the future predisposition of the organism to various diseases.
06 September 2011, 21:41

Scientists have identified the leukemia gene

The likelihood of leukemia or myelodysplastic syndromes can be predicted by the presence or absence of mutations in the GATA2 gene.
05 September 2011, 20:33

A strain of bacteria from the genus Clostridium, which destroys cancer cells

According to the new method, a soil bacterium from the clostridium genus will look for cancerous tumors in the human body: after settling in a tumor, it will begin to synthesize an enzyme that turns an inactive antitumor drug into an active killer of cancer cells.
05 September 2011, 20:30

Moderate intake of walnuts reduces the risk of breast cancer

Scientists from the University of Marshall (USA) found that the risk of breast cancer is significantly reduced when the usual diet contains a moderate amount of walnuts. True, as long as it is installed only for mice.
04 September 2011, 17:28


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