
Science and Technology

Food can change the human genes

Chinese scientists from the University of Nanjing (Nanjing university) have shown that molecules that enter the human body together with plant food, affect the work of genes.
21 September 2011, 17:39

Obesity suppresses parts of the brain responsible for volitional effort

A new study of scientists from the Yale University (USA) showed the influence of the brain on a strong-willed effort to lose weight in people with excess weight.
21 September 2011, 17:37

The study proved the effectiveness and safety of gene therapy for HIV infection

American scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, have proven the safety of gene therapy for HIV infection. The study was conducted by specialists led by Ronald T. Mitsuyasu.
21 September 2011, 17:19

The relationship between epilepsy and schizophrenia has been proven for the first time

In a published article of the journal Epilepsy, researchers described the genetic, neurobiological and environmental causative factors of epilepsy and schizophrenia ...
20 September 2011, 10:57

Gamers have deciphered the structure of a key HIV enzyme

Fans of on-line games "Fold-it", developed by experts from the University of Washington (University of Washington) helped to decipher the structure of the key enzyme of HIV ...
20 September 2011, 10:54

In the US, more and more often they register an allergy to Wi-Fi

American doctors recorded a new disease - allergy to Wi-Fi. Wireless networks, including Wi-Fi, as well as traditional pathogens of allergies (pets, pollen of plants, house dust) are increasingly ...
20 September 2011, 10:49

Intrauterine devices reduce the risk of cervical cancer by 50%

The use of intrauterine spirals by women as one of the methods of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy, reduces the risk of developing the cervix by 50%.
16 September 2011, 18:10

Research: Proven Anti-Cancer Effectiveness of Curry Component

Scientists (Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center) have proved that the main chemical component of the Curry-kukurmin seasoning, while in the mouth, blocks molecular signal chains that contribute to the development of malignant tumors of the head and neck.
16 September 2011, 17:52

Doctors announced a new form of sleep disturbance - "SMS sleepwalking"

Doctors say that recently there has been an increase in cases of a new form of sleepwalking - "SMS-sleepwalking". In contrast to the usual sleepwalking, in which people in a dream walk, talk, eat, have sex, SMS-sleepwalking manifests itself in the sending of SMS and e-mails.
16 September 2011, 17:49

The path of stem cell development depends on its shape

To direct the stem cell along the necessary path of development, it is not necessary to supply it with appropriate hormones and other biochemical signals, it is enough simply to force it to take the shape of the cell of the desired tissue.
14 September 2011, 18:02


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