
Science and Technology

Scientists have developed a "smart" Petri dish, which takes pictures of growing colonies

Scientists have developed a new "smart" Petri dish, in which photosensors are installed, which will make video recordings and photographs of growing microorganisms and cell colonies in automatic mode.
11 October 2011, 20:00

A device was developed that creates a bactericidal layer in the surgical section

American scientists have developed a device that creates a germicidal air layer in the surgical section
11 October 2011, 19:52

Stem cells of the nervous system can heal diabetes mellitus

Stem cells of the nervous system can, without any genetic modifications, replace non-functioning pancreas cages
07 October 2011, 20:14

Green tea slows weight gain by 45%, study showed

Green tea slows down weight gain, so it can be seen as an additional tool in the fight against obesity, the study showed
06 October 2011, 19:06

The success of transplantation depends on the state of the biological clock

Disorders of circadian rhythms in the donor can lead to rejection of the transplant. Disorders in diurnal rhythms against the background of operational stress worsen the blood supply of the transplanted organ.
05 October 2011, 18:39

Hormonal contraceptives increase women's susceptibility to HIV

The results of the study showed that in those women who took contraceptive drugs, the susceptibility to HIV was twice as high as those who did not take similar drugs
05 October 2011, 18:36

Alzheimer's disease can be contagious, scientists say

Recent research has shown that Alzheimer's disease can be infectious in nature, the same as mad cow disease.
05 October 2011, 18:11

The development of metastases is subject to the model of interspecies competition in the environment

The metastatic cancer develops according to the Tilman model, which describes interspecific competition in ecological communities.
04 October 2011, 19:17

Scientists have discovered the gene responsible for the daily launch of biological clocks

Scientists from the Salk Institute (USA) discovered a gene responsible for the daily launch of a biological clock. This discovery and deciphering the action of this gene will help explain the genetic mechanisms of insomnia
04 October 2011, 19:10

Spanish scientists successfully test HIV vaccine

The HIV vaccine, developed by Spanish scientists from Madrid and Barcelona, can translate HIV into a chronic disease, such as herpes, according to the Journal of Virology.
29 September 2011, 23:46


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