
Science and Technology

Scientists have deciphered the genome of a Dutch woman, who lived to 115 years

Employees of the Free University of Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) decoded the genome of a Dutch woman, who lived to 115 years without any signs of senile dementia
17 October 2011, 15:17

Found a protein responsible for conception and infertility in women

Researchers from the Imperial College of London (Great Britain) tried to deal with inexplicable infertility in 106 women.
17 October 2011, 15:11

An artificial structure has been created that can self-replicate like a DNA molecule

Chemists created an artificial structure capable of self-reproducing like a DNA molecule. It's not far off the time when materials will multiply themselves, scientists believe. DNA Idea
14 October 2011, 22:39

Knowledge of a foreign language can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease

Foreign language serves the brain as something of a constant charge, thanks to which a trained brain can compensate for the damage from the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
14 October 2011, 22:24

Improvement of the human brain could be the result of doubling the gene

The increase (and improvement) in the human brain during evolution could be the result of a doubling of the gene that helps brain cells move from place to place.
14 October 2011, 22:15

Apples are four times more dangerous for teeth than fizzy drinks

Lovers of apples were 3.7 times more likely than others to damage dentin, while fans of soda had no additional risk.
13 October 2011, 19:26

The researchers found in the genome of mammals thousands of unknown DNA sequences

A colossal comparative study of the genomes of 29 mammalian species can lead to a revision of the principles of the functioning and organization of the human genome.
13 October 2011, 19:23

Compliance with diet can reduce genetic risks of heart disease

People with a genetic predisposition to heart disease can reduce the risk of their development with a diet that contains fresh vegetables and fruits, say Canadian scientists.
12 October 2011, 15:36

The use of chocolate reduces the risk of a stroke

The beneficial effect of chocolate lies in the flavonoids, which are contained in it in large quantities. It is proved that these substances reduce blood pressure and improve the rheological properties of the blood.
12 October 2011, 15:25

German scientists invented chewing gum containing probiotics

Scientists of the German company BASF have developed chewing gum containing probiotics, which positively influences the condition of the oral cavity and contributes to the prevention of caries.
12 October 2011, 15:23


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