
Science and Technology

Neuroscientists have created an artificial cerebellum

Scientists have created an artificial cerebellum, which can exchange signals with the brain stem. In the experiment, the mechanism successfully restored the function of the brain in a laboratory rat.
29 September 2011, 18:29

Scientists have found that the first target of Alzheimer's disease is the sense of smell

Alzheimer's disease primarily damages the olfactory neurons. Researchers from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke in Bethesda, USA, proved this in experiments on laboratory mice.
28 September 2011, 20:08

German scientists are developing 3D live broadcasts without glasses

A new development of German scientists in the near future will make it possible to watch 3D broadcasts in real time without glasses.
28 September 2011, 11:04

From the pandemic of bird flu, humanity has saved 5 mutations

Ron Fuschier from the Medical Center. Erasmus (the Netherlands) and his colleagues showed that the world was separated from the catastrophe by only five genetic mutations.
27 September 2011, 20:41

Excess fat on the stomach provokes bronchial asthma

The excessive accumulation of fat on the stomach, referred to in medical practice as central obesity, can be associated with the development of bronchial asthma
27 September 2011, 16:46

Scientists have synthesized a substance that is 30 times more potent than modern antibiotics

Scientists managed to synthesize a compound that mammals ceased to produce 59 million years ago.
26 September 2011, 20:32

The study showed the effectiveness of the use of alpha particles in the treatment of cancer

Scientists from the UK have conducted research on a new cancer remedy, which is based on the action of alpha particles. The results of treatment were so effective, one hundred studies decided to terminate early.
26 September 2011, 20:17

Scientists have translated back the aging clock of adult stem cells

The scientists conducted a study that proved that the aging process of stem cells, which are responsible for restoring damaged tissues, can be reversed ...
22 September 2011, 11:49

A revolutionary technology for the diagnosis of cancer cells based on nanoparticles

Scientists from the United States have introduced a revolutionary technology that makes it possible to distinguish cancer cells from the prostate gland from healthy cells ...
22 September 2011, 10:43

Scientists have unraveled the biological meaning of yawning

Scientists Andrew Gallup and Omar Eldakar from Princeton University (USA) put forward a new theory of the sense of yawning, backed up by experimental data.
21 September 2011, 17:41


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