
Science and Technology

Paternity dramatically reduces testosterone levels in men

A new study showed that as a father, a man undergoes a sharp decline in testosterone levels: they say, aggression and readiness for competition are less useful when it comes to raising children.
13 September 2011, 19:37

In the US, arrhythmia is offered to treat by freezing

The most effective method of treating arrhythmia is now high-frequency cauterization of patients with heart disease. A new modification of this method replaces the moxibustion with freezing: it is less dangerous for neighboring healthy tissues and allows treating a patient area of rather large size.
13 September 2011, 19:31

A substance from crocuses can be a universal weapon against cancer

A poisonous alkaloid from crocuses called colchicine can prove to be a universal weapon against cancer. Researchers have found a way to set it on a cancerous tumor so that it does not kill healthy tissues at the same time.
13 September 2011, 19:28

An implant-microchip that tracks cancer cells

A traditional measure in the treatment of cancer is surgical intervention. However, it is not possible to get rid of all tumors by surgery. If neoplasms are located in close proximity to the brain or liver, there is a risk of damaging surrounding tissues and nerve cells.
13 September 2011, 19:22

Transgenic cats will help in developing drugs for AIDS

The virus of feline AIDS is not able to penetrate the cells of transgenic cats, provided with a protective human protein.
12 September 2011, 19:27

28 genes responsible for the development of hypertension

An international team of more than 300 researchers reports on the completion of a project to search for genetic causes of high blood pressure. Scientists managed to find 28 genes, mutations in which lead to violations in its regulation.
12 September 2011, 19:17

Presented are sex phones that broadcast touch, moisture from a kiss and light breathing

German researcher Fabian Hemmert showed prototypes of mobile devices that broadcast not only speech, but also touch, moisture from a kiss and easy breathing.
10 September 2011, 12:48

Scientists have discovered a gene responsible for chronic pain

British researchers have discovered a gene responsible for chronic pain, according to the BBC. Their work opens the way to the development of new painkillers.
09 September 2011, 19:14

The bright light at the end of the tunnel before death may be due to an influx of serotonin in the brain.

The bright light at the end of the tunnel, which is described by some barely surviving people, may be the result of an influx of serotonin in the brain.
09 September 2011, 19:07

In total darkness, the brain mobilizes its own previous life and visual experience

In complete darkness, the brain informs the visual system of the situation, which, in his opinion, should be here. In this case, the brain mobilizes its own previous life and visual experience.
09 September 2011, 18:58


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