
Science and Technology

The probability of the development of neuropsychic disorders is determined even before birth

The different activity of genes that control the formation of the brain in an embryo determines the likelihood of neuropsychiatric disorders, and also has a decisive influence on the difference in the architecture of the male and female brain.
27 October 2011, 12:29

Yogurt-probiotics do not have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora

If bacteria contained in yoghurts and have a positive effect on the microflora of the human intestine, then they make this an incomprehensible way to science.
27 October 2011, 11:24

Antidepressants during pregnancy increase the risk of developing mental disorders in children

Increased blood serotonin levels during pregnancy, caused by the action of antidepressants, negatively affects the formation of the brain and increases the risk of mental disorders.
25 October 2011, 17:31

Scientists will use a "hybrid" virus to treat cancer

Scientists from Strasbourg University (France) made an attempt to create a vaccine against cancer based on the virus.
06 August 2012, 16:49

In 2012, a portable caffeine inhaler will be available for sale

In January 2012, a portable inhaler will be available in stores in New York and Boston, which will be an alternative to coffee and energy drinks.
24 October 2011, 18:48

Anti-lymphoma drug is effective in fighting chronic fatigue syndrome

Rituximab is an antibody that binds to mature B cells. This leads to the fact that the excess of "tumor" B-lymphocytes is destroyed.
20 October 2011, 20:33

Malaria vaccine passed Phase III clinical trials

The main candidate for the role of the vaccine against malaria made another step towards widespread use. Fresh data from the third phase of clinical trials.
19 October 2011, 20:00

The average level of immunoglobulin E reduces the risk of brain cancer

If the content of such antibodies in the blood is off scale, the probability of occurrence of cancer does not affect it in any way.
19 October 2011, 19:40

Clinical trials of a virus that selectively attacks cancer cells will begin in 2012

The goal of scientists from PsiOxus Therapeutics, which is engaged in the creation of "smart drugs for serious diseases", is the development of a new cancer treatment method based on the use of a virus that shows high specificity for cancer cells.
18 October 2011, 21:51

Viruses trick the immune system by using friendly bacteria as a disguise

Some viruses have managed to turn this in their favor: they pass under the radar of immunity, literally riding the friendly bacteria and using them as a disguise.
18 October 2011, 21:45


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