
Science and Technology

Scientists have developed a new method for diagnosis of vascular thrombosis (video)

Scientists from the United States have created a device that allows us to examine in detail the anatomical and molecular structure of blood vessels, as well as to reveal the places of formation of thrombi.
08 November 2011, 15:40

Scientists from Germany discovered a new, previously unknown function of platelets

As it turned out, these cells, in addition to participating in the formation of a blood clot, are actively involved in the immune system.
08 November 2011, 15:28

Light can be a promising method of cancer treatment

This medicine can be delivered directly to the cancer cell and activated by light, which indicates a targeted and targeted treatment of cancer tumors.
08 November 2011, 14:18

Scientists have identified cells responsible for drowsiness and depression

Scientists managed to identify a special group of cells in the hypothalamus, which are activated in response to light and able to support the brain of the person in a vigorous and active state.

07 November 2011, 19:24

Aspirin and tamoxifen are recommended for cancer prevention

British scientists proposed to prevent the development of cancer by using popular and cheap medicines.
04 November 2011, 18:55

Reducing dietary calories slows down aging

Reducing caloric content in the diet can slow aging and stop the development of age-related diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.
03 November 2011, 17:19

Scientists have developed a laser technique for changing the color of the eyes

Stroma Medical Corporation introduced a new method of changing the color of the eyes from brown to blue
03 November 2011, 17:15

Cherry juice improves the quality and duration of sleep

Scientists from the UK (University of Northumbria) claim that cherry juice improves the quality and duration of sleep.
03 November 2011, 17:10

Scientists began to create artificial immunity

The clinical need, scientific evidence and successful attempts to replace part of the immune system with artificial grafts already exist, Japanese scientists say.
01 November 2011, 20:57

Impotence in men can be treated with sound waves

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men can be treated with sound waves, scientists from the Israel Medical Center "Rambam" have proved.
31 October 2011, 20:43


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