
Science and Technology

Scientists have found the reason why the body can not protect against tuberculosis

Tuberculosis, which kills more than 2 million people every year, is caused by bacteria, known as mycobacterium tuberculosis ...
17 November 2011, 12:15

HIV Vaccine: Scientists Debunk TOP-10 Myths

The Department for the Development of the Vaccine for HIV, located at the Center for Cancer Research Fred Hutchinson (USA), debunks the TOP-10 myths about HIV vaccine research
17 November 2011, 10:28

Artificial intelligence: a chip designed to simulate brain activity

American scientists have made an important step towards developing artificial intelligence by creating a computer chip that mimics brain activity
16 November 2011, 17:01

The risk of erectile dysfunction is related to the number of medications taken

The more drugs a man takes, the higher his risk of developing erectile dysfunction (impotence)
16 November 2011, 12:55

Research: Kiwi helps lower blood pressure

The results of the study showed that eating three kiwis a day improves 24-hour blood pressure better than an apple a day.
16 November 2011, 12:39

In the name of life: Scientists intend to immerse some seriously wounded people in anabiosis

The new strategy involves placing patients in a state of extreme hypothermia that would allow them to survive without damage to the brain for about an hour.
15 November 2011, 15:50

Stem cell therapy is effective in treating heart failure

The Australian company Mesoblast Ltd announced the effectiveness of therapy with stem cells of heart failure ...
15 November 2011, 12:26

A protein that slows the development of breast cancer

Scientists say that this discovery offers good prospects for more effective treatment of this disease and improving the quality of life for a large number of patients ...
14 November 2011, 17:27

The use of nuts increases the level of serotonin

The latest scientific research has shown for the first time the usefulness of nuts consumption for health due to the decrease in the body of substances associated with inflammatory processes and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with metabolic syndrome ...
14 November 2011, 15:23

Scientists are developing new methods to combat brain diseases

Scientists are working on effective treatment of brain diseases, including dementia and depression. The given development will allow to direct therapy on concrete cellular processes in the certain areas of a brain, not causing thus adverse reactions in other areas of nervous system ...
13 November 2011, 15:30


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