
Science and Technology

Reception of probiotics before radiation therapy can protect the intestines from damage

Scientists from the University of Washington in St. Louis have proved that taking probiotic drugs before starting radiation therapy can protect the intestines from damage
20 November 2011, 15:57

Anti-malarial drugs can be used for metastases of breast cancer

Anti-malarial drugs used for more than 60 years are currently being studied for use in breast cancer patients in whom chemotherapy has not had a significant effect.
19 November 2011, 23:01

A new target in the treatment of atherosclerosis is a hormone that controls the level of iron

Scientists from the University of Emory have identified hepcidin (hepcidin), a hormone that regulates the level of iron in the body, which will help in the development of new methods of treating atherosclerosis.
19 November 2011, 22:51

Women are 7.5 times more likely to suffer from a "Broken Heart Syndrome" than men

For the first time this problem was taken up by scientists from Japan in 1990 and called this state "Broken Heart Syndrome" ...
18 November 2011, 16:45

An energy source was found for dividing cancer cells

Scientists have found that cancer cells have a processing system to generate energy, which they use in the fission process ...
18 November 2011, 11:44

Genes determining the effectiveness of artificial insemination

The presence of certain genes that are responsible for the development of the uterine susceptibility can improve the rates of pregnancy during in vitro fertilization (IVF-ET) ...
18 November 2011, 11:30

Beer, as well as wine, has a positive effect on the heart

Beer, as well as wine, positively affects the cardiovascular system, say Italian scientists ...
18 November 2011, 11:23

A mouthwash is developed, which permanently protects against caries

Medicinal substance Sm Shi STAMP C16G2, acts as a "smart bomb", eliminating only harmful bacteria ...
17 November 2011, 16:09

The risk of developing a stroke depends on the blood type

Scientists suggest that some blood groups are associated with an increased risk of stroke ...
17 November 2011, 14:23

Vaccination against seasonal influenza increases susceptibility to other influenza strains in the future

Annual vaccination against influenza is effective against seasonal influenza, but can make people more vulnerable to the viruses of future influenza pandemics ...
17 November 2011, 12:27


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