
Science and Technology

The use of well-roasted meat increases the risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer

The use of any minced meat or processed meat in large quantities is associated with the development of aggressive prostate cancer ...
28 November 2011, 21:05

Ovarian removal is not associated with an increased risk of death

Until now, scientists have suggested that the removal of both ovaries in a woman increases the patient's risk of dying from diseases caused by premature aging. But a new major study demonstrated that this procedure can be safe ...
28 November 2011, 20:32

Vaccine against HIV: the human immune system recognizes key areas of HIV infection and attacks the virus

A recently published study shows how neutralizing antibodies to HIV use a part of the glycoprotein membrane to connect to the virus ...
28 November 2011, 20:09

In France, a rare type of HIV group N

A man from France who recently went to Togo was diagnosed with a rare type of HIV infection - Group N.
25 November 2011, 19:02

People with migraines are 80% more likely to get depressed

Scientists concluded that people with migraine were 80% more likely to suffer from depression than people without headaches.
25 November 2011, 18:53

New hopes: yeast that causes eczema can be destroyed

Scientists from Sweden have discovered peptides that destroy yeast Malassezia sympodialis, which can cause skin diseases such as atopic eczema
25 November 2011, 18:47

Research: Products containing choline, improve memory

People who eat foods that contain large amounts of choline are less prone to brain changes associated with dementia and have better memory compared to those who have a normal diet
24 November 2011, 20:04

Salted wars: scientists recommend using a teaspoon of salt a day

Doctors for years have warned that excessive salt intake increases the risk of developing hypertension and other heart problems, but recent studies disprove these hypotheses.
24 November 2011, 17:47

Laboratory-grown neurons successfully integrate with brain cells

This discovery is a vital step towards the use of individual cells to restore damage to the brain and spinal cord, which are the most complex human organs.
24 November 2011, 17:42

Previously existing hypertension is associated with depression in pregnant women

Women with high blood pressure in a history before pregnancy, have a higher risk of developing depression than women whose hypertension develops directly during pregnancy ...
23 November 2011, 15:50


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