
Science and Technology

Selenium and nickel reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer

The high level of trace elements of nickel and selenium in the body can reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer ...
27 December 2011, 18:35

Tuberculosis - how effective is fish oil?

Fish oil has been an effective treatment for tuberculosis since 1848, according to a study by Professor Sir Malcolm Green.
22 December 2011, 22:42

How does pregnancy change a woman's brain?

We know a lot about the relationship between the health of a pregnant mother and the behavior, mood, cognitive and psychological development of her child after birth.
22 December 2011, 22:31

A blood test can predict the effectiveness of treatment for depression

Scientists from the University of Loyola report that they have found the first reliable method that predicts whether an antidepressant will work for a particular patient with depression.
20 December 2011, 21:06

Scientists were able to double the effectiveness of radiotherapy

Scientists have found a way to double efficiency and reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.
20 December 2011, 20:48

Scientists have discovered new proteins in the sperm that increase susceptibility to HIV

Scientists from the Gladstone Institute have discovered new protein fragments in sperm that increase the ability of HIV to infect new cells ...
16 December 2011, 15:31

Overeating increases the risk of stroke

The review, published in the journal Lancet Neurology, says that many studies on stroke prevention have been based on inaccurate information ...
16 December 2011, 10:21

Stress leads to premature birth and increases the birth rate of girls

According to a study published in the journal Human Reproduction, mothers who are stressed during the second and third trimester of pregnancy have an increased risk of premature birth.
13 December 2011, 22:37

Intermittent low-carb diets are more effective in weight loss than standard diets

Observance of intermittent low-carb diet helps to lose weight more effectively and reduce the risk of cancer, compared with other diets, say scientists
12 December 2011, 13:32

Listening to music activates the creative areas of the brain

The study is innovative and shows how the global neural connections in the brain, including the areas responsible for motor activities, emotions and creativity, are activated while listening to music.
07 December 2011, 19:19


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