
Science and Technology

Ultrasound can become a new kind of male contraception

The ultrasound wave directed at the male testicles is capable of stopping the production of spermatozoa, researchers have announced, developing a new method of contraception.
30 January 2012, 17:37

The mechanism by which the causative agent of leprosy blocks the immune response is deciphered

The causative agent of a terrible disease suppresses the activation of the immune system with vitamin D: instead of running away or disguising themselves from the vigilant eye of immunity, the bacteria seem to order the immune cells to "lay down their arms."
30 January 2012, 17:27

Stem cells derived from fat are able to form muscles better than others

Scientists from the University of California at San Diego (USA) came to the conclusion that the muscles are best made from fat tissue.
30 January 2012, 16:57

Scientists excluded fried in olive oil food from risk factors for heart disease

Scientists from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), having conducted a study, came to the conclusion that many fried foods can be made not so dangerous to heart health
26 January 2012, 18:30

Cholesterol-lowering drugs protect against hepatitis C

The hepatitis C virus penetrates the cell with the help of a cholesterol receptor; It turned out that to suppress the work of this receptor, ezetimibe, which has long been used as a regulator of cholesterol metabolism, is suitable.
25 January 2012, 20:37

Scientists have successfully tested the vaccine against meningococcus B

The results of the participants' blood test showed that two or three doses of the vaccine were almost completely protected from meningococcus B
23 January 2012, 16:47

The human brain is able to influence the intensity of the allergic reaction

To such an interesting conclusion came scientists from the University of South Australia. Do not you think that it looks like something from an arsenal of psychics, magicians and other Jedi ...
21 January 2012, 13:09

A new hormone is discovered that is produced in muscles under physical stress

Scientists from the Cancer Institute of Dana Farbera said that they isolated a previously unknown hormone that was found in muscle cells.
24 January 2012, 18:39

Science compiled a list of the 10 most significant scientific discoveries of 2011

Experts from the journal Science compiled a list of the 10 most significant scientific discoveries of 2011. But the "breakthrough of the year" from this list, they called the discovery that antiretroviral drugs hinder the transmission of HIV.
19 January 2012, 21:23

Scientists have found a diet that regulates the metabolism of fats and sugars

A diet rich in slowly digestible carbohydrates, such as whole grains, beans and other foods high in fiber, significantly reduces inflammation markers in adults with overweight and obesity ...
18 January 2012, 19:44


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