
Science and Technology

A new drug has been developed that prevents the formation of cancer metastases

The American company has developed a new cancer drug that inhibits tumor growth, as well as the formation of metastases
27 February 2012, 22:12

Scientists were able to grow an egg from stem cells

A group of scientists from Harvard University conducted a successful experiment to grow eggs in the laboratory from stem cells taken from the ovary of a young woman.
27 February 2012, 22:02

Scientists have identified a potential target for a future HIV vaccine

The human immunodeficiency virus has been able to escape the creators of vaccines for 30 years, in particular due to its incredible ability to mutate, allowing it to easily bypass any pre-established obstacles.
24 February 2012, 18:34

Vitamin C accelerates the process of death of cancer cells

An international team of scientists from the University of Otago found that vitamin C speeds up the process of dying off tumors in patients with brain cancer, foreign media report.
23 February 2012, 21:40

There were new data refuting theories that men are threatened with extinction

Earlier, several researchers published data that the Y chromosome, which is found only in men, undergoes so rapid genetic degradation that it can disappear altogether after 5 million years.
23 February 2012, 21:34

The use of fructose instead of regular sugar does not lead to obesity

Scientists have found that the use of fructose in place of normal sugar does not lead to obesity, according to the journal "Archives of Internal Medicine" (Annals of Internal Medicine.
22 February 2012, 13:53

The mechanism of conversion of "good" lipoprotein into "bad" has been clarified

American scientists from the Lawrence National Laboratory in Berkeley finally found out how the protein - carrier of cholesterol esters (CETP) provides a transfer of cholesterol from "good" high density lipoproteins (HDLs) to "bad" low density lipoproteins (LDLs).
22 February 2012, 12:46

A new method of treating pancreatic cancer showed encouraging results

Scientists from Cambridge conducted the first clinical trials of a new method of treating pancreatic cancer, which showed encouraging results.
21 February 2012, 18:20

Scientists have discovered a molecule that protects against obesity

A molecule protecting against obesity was found by specialists from the Imperial College of London. Now doctors have another target for fighting obesity and metabolic disorders.
21 February 2012, 18:15

A key mechanism for the formation of resistance of mycobacteria to antibiotics was discovered

Scientists from the US managed to find a key mechanism for the formation of resistance of the causative agent of tuberculosis to antibiotics
21 February 2012, 18:06


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