
Science and Technology

The new medicine rigosertib leaves cancer cells without energy, destroying them

According to the American Cancer Society, in 2012 there will be 37 thousand deaths caused by pancreatic cancer, as well as 44 thousand new cases of this severe illness.
05 March 2012, 13:02

Vitamin E is able to weaken the bones

A team of scientists led by Shu Takeda from Keio University in Tokyo (Japan) believes that vitamin E can weaken bones.
05 March 2012, 12:50

Eating dark poultry meat protects women from heart disease

The nutrient contained in the dark poultry meat can provide women with protection against coronary heart disease (CHD).
02 March 2012, 20:03

Scientists have learned how marijuana affects the brain

Marijuana helped scientists revise the principles of cellular brain architecture. It turned out that the service cells of the nervous tissue necessary for feeding and supporting the neurons can actively interfere with the work of the interneuronal connections.
02 March 2012, 19:57

Depression helps immunity fight infections

Depression could arise as an aid to the immune system: during illness, it changes our behavior so that immunity is easier to cope with the infection.
02 March 2012, 19:30

Interferon increases the resistance of the body to HIV infection

The mechanism of fighting interferon with HIV became known through the joint work of Swiss and American scientists.
01 March 2012, 20:09

A portable device has been developed that diagnoses infectious diseases

It is well known how rapidly infectious diseases can spread, and therefore, there must exist and be as accessible as possible operative ways of detecting infections in the field, which is critical in the fight against epidemics.

Plant Parasitic Bacteria May Help Develop HIV Vaccine

The discovery of two scientists from Simon Fraser University indicates that little-known bacteria will become an important new tool in developing a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
29 February 2012, 18:52

The main cause of cancer is an incorrect lifestyle

According to the scientist, there is absolutely no evidence that consumption along with food of some trace amounts of potentially dangerous chemicals or accidental too close contact with household chemicals really provokes the development of cancer.
29 February 2012, 17:48

Nicorette QuickMist Nicotine Spray helps quit smoking quickly

A mouth spray that delivers nicotine to the body faster than a band-aid or chewing gum will help smokers to say goodbye quickly to a bad habit.
28 February 2012, 18:29


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