
Science and Technology

Bacteria begin to colonize the human body in the womb of the mother

Scientists from Spain have proved that bacteria begin to colonize the human body in the womb of the mother.
12 April 2012, 17:03

Children with abnormalities are more likely to be born to mothers with excess weight

In women who are overweight or with diabetes, the risk of having a child with autism or another developmental disorder is higher
11 April 2012, 20:31

A breakthrough in the development of drugs for the treatment of cystic fibrosis

Scientists reprogrammed skin cells of patients with cystic fibrosis into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which are similar to embryonic stem cells, and grew pulmonary epithelium from them
07 April 2012, 00:22

A drug has been developed that prevents metastasis of prostate cancer

Scientists from the United States have developed a drug that prevents the spread of metastases in prostate cancer.
05 April 2012, 20:35

At the heart of almost all cancers are cancerous stem cells

Scientists from the National Institute of Health (USA) have discovered how contact with arsenic can turn normal stem cells into cancer cells, stimulating the formation and growth of malignant tumors.
05 April 2012, 20:31

Estrogens increase the carcinogenic effect of tobacco smoke

The hormone estrogen can promote the development of lung cancer, enhancing the carcinogenic effect of tobacco smoke, which opens the prospect of creating new cancer treatment methods that will be aimed at changing the metabolism of the hormone.
04 April 2012, 19:08

To lose weight, it is enough just to change your biological rhythm

Researchers emphasize that a simple change of biorhythm without diets and exercises will help a person with excess weight lose weight.
03 April 2012, 19:55

Fat cells protect against diabetes mellitus

Diabetes of the second type is associated with the inability of fat cells to convert glucose into fat. While these cells react to the presence of carbohydrates in the blood, diabetes has no chance.
02 April 2012, 15:34

In the US, the most extensive face transplant surgery in history (video)

Doctors in the United States conducted one of the largest surgery for a person in the history of modern medicine.
28 March 2012, 18:38

Scientists have created a new vaccine against cervical cancer

Scientists from Australia have created a new vaccine against cervical cancer, the development of which is due to the presence of papillomavirus infection.
28 March 2012, 18:22


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