
To lose weight, it is enough just to change your biological rhythm

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 27.11.2021

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03 April 2012, 19:55

On what only tricks people do not push people to always be slim. Stubborn workouts in gyms, exhausting diets - all this is done in order not to gain excess weight.

However, American scientists from the Scripps Institute in Florida came to the conclusion that in order to lose weight, it's enough just to change your biological rhythm. Scientists managed to synthesize several molecules that have the ability to change human biorhythms. Researchers emphasize that a simple change of biorhythm without diets and exercises will help a person with excess weight lose weight.

Synthesized molecules were able to change the biological clock in the hypothalamus in laboratory mice. This led to a serious reduction in cholesterol in them. In mice, the fat level decreased without any diet, while the fat mass left by itself.

"Our circadian rhythms are really related to metabolism, which can be modulated with the help of the developed molecules," said the author of the study, Professor Thomas Barris of the Scripps Florida Research Institute.

During the experiments it was revealed that synthetic molecules helped to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood by 47%. They activated proteins REV-ERBα and REV-ERBβ, regulating metabolism: so, with the same amount of food consumed, animals could lose weight.

Enzymes necessary for the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in the human body are produced in different volumes at different times. A change in the biological clock can reduce the amount of fat-splitting enzymes. In this case, fats are simply eliminated from the body, not deposited in it, and not provoking weight gain. The change in the biological rhythm affects the synthesis of own fats in the body, whose speed is also not equal to day and night, for example, when the body rests - the synthesis is accelerated.

However, until the new molecules for weight loss scientists have tried only in mice. Researchers argue that the principles of gaining weight and metabolism in mice and humans are similar in many respects. If this theory is confirmed, then the discovery of American scientists will help advance in the treatment of obesity and diabetes.

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