
A list of effective products that burn fat

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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25 April 2012, 10:42

Missing breakfast, taking a cold shower and drinking coffee, you can easily lose weight for 6 weeks, significantly improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, says the creator of the food program "Six Weeks To OMG" Veniss E A Fulton. His judgments are divided into the pages of the book of the same name.

Following the proposed regime, it is quite possible to minimize the appearance of cellulite and lose the fatty layer to 9 kilograms. Fulton is against the popular belief about the benefits of frequent meals that are small in size. He thinks the best option is three meals a day.

However, together with a normal breakfast, he offers to organize a meal later - at 10 am, thereby speeding up the metabolism. "Back in 2000, dietitians from France proved that a simple breakfast, which consists of toast, yogurt and fruit, prevents the burning of fat for the next day," explains Fulton.

But with cellulite can really cope with the help of cold baths and coffee. He is convinced: cold water has a positive effect on metabolism. It will not be superfluous to notice that, in the list of "dangerous products" that cause obesity, juices from fruits, cocktails and even broccoli have got.

But in the list of products that burn fat are:

Red fish

Red fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for normal heart activity, reduce inflammation in the body and help get rid of excess weight by regulating the hormone "leptin" leptin. Try at least once a week to eat a dish with red fish.

Krajnaja fish (salmon)


Studies have shown that caffeine, which is in the morning cup of coffee, can help us conduct more active workouts that help in getting rid of excess kilograms. Rich in antioxidants, coffee, among other things, reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, diabetes and cancer.


Eggs contain many nutrients, B and C vitamins. People who prefer eggs for breakfast lose twice as much as a kilogram and are charged with energy for the whole future day compared to those who do not eat them.


Walnuts contain many proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. Walnuts give satiety for a longer time than ordinary snacks that do not contain so many proteins and "healthy" fats. All you need is a handful of nuts.


Do not make grapefruit the basis for your dietary intake. But do not forget that obese people who consumed half of the grapefruit or drank a glass of grapefruit juice every day, for 12 weeks lost about 1.5 kg.

Green tea

Green tea improves your metabolism and helps lose weight.


Water moisturizes the human body and eliminates the mistaken perception of thirst for hunger - a common problem for those who are on a diet. If you are not able to pinpoint whether you are hungry or want to drink? First, drink a glass of water, and later decide.



Chili contains the substance capsaicin, which increases metabolism and burns extra calories.


Rich in vegetable fibers and proteins, beans are a low-calorie, not very fatty product, which helps maintain the necessary weight and blood glucose level.



Tofu is a non-caloric vegetarian source of proteins that helps to lose weight by speeding up metabolism, including if your eating habits have remained the same.



The habit of "one apple a day" will help you lose weight. Consuming an apple after any meal will stabilize the blood glucose level, in consequence you will not feel hungry for a long time.


Pour into a cup of cereal and add a glass of blackberry. You will see what kind of delicacy has turned out. Rich in plant fibers, the blackberry will help to quench hunger very quickly. Another plus: the blackberry contains the greatest amount of antioxidants, than any other fruit.



Flaxseed has a chemical structure, related to estrogens. Therefore, it stabilizes the level of insulin in the blood, reducing the risk of obesity and diabetes. Pour 1 tablespoon of flaxseed into a slice of bread or yogurt.


Bon Appetit!

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