
At the heart of almost all cancers are cancerous stem cells

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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05 April 2012, 20:31

Scientists from the National Institute of Health (USA) have discovered how contact with arsenic can turn normal stem cells into cancer cells, stimulating the formation and growth of malignant tumors. It has already been shown that inorganic arsenic, which enters the drinking water, is a carcinogen. More and more evidence is emerging that in this case it is possible to talk about an oncological disease caused by cancer stem cells. Healthy stem cells are important for normal tissue regeneration, and cancer cells are believed to be the driving force behind the formation, growth and spread of malignant tumors.

Michael Vaalkes and his team have already proved that healthy cells become malignant after they have been treated with inorganic arsenic. A new study opened a much more dangerous phenomenon: when these cancer cells are near, without entering into direct contact with healthy cells, normal stem cells very quickly acquire characteristics of cancer stem cells. This clearly demonstrates that the cancer cells are capable of sending molecular signals through semipermeable membranes and transforming healthy stem cells into cancer cells. (A new form of life is something! Normal cells are not capable of anything like this.) Reading this, it's hard to remain indifferent: and you have to deal with such an enemy ... And if it's serious, the result of this research, if it is confirmed, is the demonstrated the ability of cancer stem cells to draw healthy cells in themselves - will have the widest consequences for all modern oncology and the most sad for many patients, especially women.Though, somewhat encouraging is the underlying cause of the emerged complications - inorganic arsenic.)

Observation reveals an amazing and very important aspect of arsenic oncogenesis and should help explain why arsenic causes numerous tumors of a variety of types - from skin to bones, which has long been known to oncologists.

The results of the study are described in an article published publicly in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

On a note. Stem cells are unique. They can exist for a very long time in the body, dividing and renewing themselves, all without oxygen feeding, without relying on standard cellular energy mechanisms. The majority of oncological diseases develops within 30-40 years (!). And then comes the acute stage, the transience of which frightens doubly (firstly, it is death, secondly - fast and painful). Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the assumption that at the base of all (or almost all) cancer are cancerous stem cells. This also explains the phenomenon of time-consuming consequences, when, when exposed to toxins at a young age, a person who leads a completely healthy lifestyle still faces cancer after many years, in his mature years.

In the meantime, Mr. Vaalkes's laboratory is going to tackle such a topic: what impact of other carcinogens is capable of conferring on cancerous stem cells such super-abilities? (Or maybe it is generally inherent in all cancerous stem cells?)

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