
Science and Technology

Testosterone doping can easily be masked with green tea

Green tea inhibits the excretion of testosterone with urine, making its relationship with the precursor hormone quite legitimate in terms of anti-doping rules.
26 March 2012, 17:57

Even small doses of beet juice reduce blood pressure

A study conducted by specialists from the University of Reading (Great Britain) showed that even small doses of beet juice reduce blood pressure. The same effect has bread, in which white or red beets are added.
23 March 2012, 21:06

Excess prostaglandin D2 in the scalp causes baldness

Excess prostaglandin D2 in the scalp suppresses the growth of hair bags and, consequently, of the hair itself.
22 March 2012, 18:18

Opioid drugs provoke the growth and spread of cancer

Opioid drugs used to relieve pain in patients with cancer in the postoperative period can stimulate the growth and spread of malignant tumors.
21 March 2012, 18:33

A gene responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system was found

Employees of the Garvan Institute in Sydney (Garvan Institute of Sydney) found the gene STAT3, responsible for the normal operation of immunity.
19 March 2012, 20:40

Fresh details on the molecular process of cancer metastasis are revealed

Studies conducted at the University of Loyola in Chicago, USA, have revealed fresh details about a complex molecular process involving a protein that allows cancer cells to base new colonies in remote corners of the body.
15 March 2012, 09:00

An effective method of alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy

Scientists from Duke University (USA) have identified the structure of a key molecule that is capable of transporting chemotherapeutic and antiviral drugs directly into cells
12 March 2012, 19:56

HIV infection: progress achieved in several directions at once

In Seattle (USA) there was a Conference on the issues of retroviruses and opportunistic infections - the largest forum dedicated, including HIV
12 March 2012, 19:52

Scientists managed to find out how the brain is damaged in Down syndrome

Down's syndrome is by far the most common genetic disease. It arises from a violation in the set of chromosomes. Instead of the usual two chromosomes, at number 21, there are three.
06 March 2012, 13:07

Scientists may have created a drug that stops the development of the disease

Alpha-synuclein is considered one of the factors that provoke Parkinson's disease: the disease breaks down its structure, becomes amorphous and disordered, which leads to the formation of protein aggregates, as well as to the death of neurons of the central nervous system.
06 March 2012, 12:58


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