
Science and Technology

Aspirin promotes weight loss

Salicylic acid, which is formed as a result of the splitting of aspirin, activates the cleavage of fat cells.
23 April 2012, 10:31

Omega-3 acids minimize the physical damage caused by smoking

Omega-3 fatty acids can minimize the physical damage caused by smoking
23 April 2012, 09:38

Scientists have created an artificial carrier of genetic information

Alternative to natural carriers of genetic information DNA and RNA are xenonucleic acids (synthesized in the laboratory) that are capable of transmitting genetic information.
20 April 2012, 12:03

Diseases of gums do not increase the risk of heart disease

Periodontitis does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and is not at all considered to be their cause
20 April 2012, 11:40

Oncologists have revolutionized the treatment of breast cancer

The newest cancer genes have been identified, which should change the classical approach to diagnosing this disease
19 April 2012, 11:04

A new list of the most useful products for health

The new list of the most useful products for health included 12 items.
19 April 2012, 10:25

Supercomputer, recreating the human brain, will help in the treatment of diseases

Scientists are going to recreate the human brain, using the most powerful computer in the world
18 April 2012, 10:23

Abuse of antibiotics leads to obesity

According to a note published in the journal New Scientist, the abuse of antibacterial drugs may be the impetus to the development of obesity
17 April 2012, 14:45

Modified blood stem cells can eradicate HIV

Modified blood stem cells can help create a fairly large number of T lymphocytes that could perfectly recognize and kill immune cells that are affected by HIV.
14 April 2012, 11:41

Scientists will be able to predict the resistance of cancer to chemotherapy

A set of biomarkers has been identified that can help in advance to predict the resistance to chemotherapeutic treatment in women with breast cancer.
13 April 2012, 11:04


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