
Science and Technology

The heart regulates the energy metabolism of the whole organism

The heart is able to coordinate the electric power exchange of the whole organism
07 May 2012, 20:23

The scientific substantiation of the ability to see a person's aura

A neurophysiological interpretation of the energy aura phenomenon, which is seen by people practicing non-traditional medicine, is suggested.
07 May 2012, 20:08

Digital immortality is the key to eternal human life

To date, work aimed at achieving eternal life, is largely focused on finding the key to the so-called "digital immortality."
04 May 2012, 10:49

Black pepper prevents obesity

Korean scientists found a panacea, which is available in almost every kitchen
04 May 2012, 10:34

First clinical trials of an anti-smoking vaccine begin

American researchers are close to completing the work on creating a vaccine against smoking.
04 May 2012, 09:57

Scientists offer to treat a heart attack with light

Powerful light, including daylight, can reduce the risk of heart attack or minimize the damage caused by heart muscle damage.
27 April 2012, 10:35

Found the reason why 10% of the human genome is made up of retrovirus genes

Virologists have discovered a mechanism that allowed retroviruses to reproduce effectively over millions of years as an integral part of mammalian DNA.
27 April 2012, 08:38

Vitamin E, sold in pharmacies, does not protect against cancer

Advertising is silent about the fact that these substances are found in nature in various forms - and they are not at all identical in their qualities
26 April 2012, 11:16

Drugs for the treatment of infertility in 2 times increase the risk of leukemia in children

Admission before conception of hormonal substances that are designed to stimulate the ovaries, more than doubles the risk of developing a child's leukemia
25 April 2012, 11:25

Embryoscope - a development that increases the success rate of fertilization by 50% (video)

The new development increases the success rate of the fertilization procedure by 50% and enables future parents to follow the development of their child from the moment of conception
24 April 2012, 09:06


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