
First clinical trials of an anti-smoking vaccine begin

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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04 May 2012, 09:57

American researchers are close to completing the work on creating a vaccine against smoking. Its effectiveness will ensure the use of nanoparticles. Molecules of nicotine can not reach the brain, and the delay in the cigarette will cease to give pleasure.

Specialists of the young American company Selecta Biosciences, founded by employees of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report that they are starting clinical trials of the first ever vaccine against smoking in which synthetic nanoparticles will be used.

The first clinical trials of a vaccine against smoking

The vaccine was called SEL-068. The essence of the revolutionary invention is the creation of synthetic nanoparticles, which have the ability to recognize nicotine molecules in the blood and bind to them. The new molecules formed as a result of this fusion become too large to overcome the blood-brain barrier, as a result of which they can not penetrate the brain and act on the receptors of its corresponding department.

Experiments with laboratory animals have shown high efficiency of SEL-068 and now at the first stage of clinical trials the authors of the vaccine have to prove its safety for treating people from nicotine addiction.

The authors warn that unlike existing smoking substitution techniques with nicotine patches, chewing gum with nicotine and special drugs that provide little nicotine intake into the body and facilitate the withdrawal syndrome, smokers who decided to "get vaccinated" with a new drug will have to endure all the unpleasant feelings associated with the rejection of bad habits.

The fact is that SEL-068 almost completely blocks the flow of nicotine into the brain, and even if the smoker decides to take a couple of cigarette puffs, he will not experience the desired relief.

However, the merit of the new drug is not only its "radical", but also cheap in production.

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