Scientists from the University of Oregon (USA) have found a new reason for the fact that some dishes with curry seasoning, the main component of which is powder from the dried root of turmeric, are healthy.
The ability to present and plan the future is associated with specific areas of the brain that hold common knowledge, says Dr. Muyreanne Irish from the Australian Research Institute of Neurology.
Alzheimer's disease, ranked sixth in the list of the most deadly ailments, is the most common cause of dementia. Only in the US, alzheimerism slowly but surely reduces to the grave at least 5.4 million people.
American scientists have established that the cellular signaling pathway Notch, associated with the occurrence of cancer, affects the development of rheumatoid arthritis
A remedy for all diseases is absolutely not a fairy tale. As a result of the latest scientific research, it will be able to get a certain name - Resveratrol.