
Science and Technology

Seaweed can help in the treatment of arthritis

Tablets from seaweed can help in the treatment of arthritis - one of the most common inflammatory joint diseases.
29 May 2012, 18:12

Red wine positively affects the intestinal microflora

Red wine with daily consumption has a positive effect on the microflora of the large intestine, as recently found out by Spanish scientists.
29 May 2012, 09:31

Garlic prevents the development of bacteria resistance

Some types of microorganisms are able to form a special biofilm, which enhances their ability to withstand the action of antibiotics.
29 May 2012, 09:23

Substances contained in the skin of mango, prevent the formation of fat cells

Is it possible to laugh at those who believe that a suspicious kind of grandmother's decoction will cure any ailment? A lot of "herbs" hide a huge potential; remember at least an extract from the seeds of thistles, he is also a bodiaga, he is a tartar, containing silymarin (a mixture of four active ingredients), which restores the liver even in the most serious cases, and when poisoned with pale toadstool, doctors rely only on him, no.
29 May 2012, 08:42

An effective way to eliminate side effects of drugs

Dutch researchers have come up with a way through which drugs purposefully reach the patient's focus of disease without causing side effects. They also created a special camera that shoots at a speed of 25 million frames per second, through which it became possible to trace this process.
28 May 2012, 10:13

10 ways to avoid cancer

The life of a modern person passes under the harsh conditions of exposure of many carcinogens, which we can not eliminate. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year the number of people dying from cancer grows like a snowball. The only way to avoid this is to change yourself and your way of life.
28 May 2012, 09:44

Additives for weight loss and muscle building destroy the liver

Additives for weight loss and muscle building led to a violation of liver integrity in 26% and 34% of all episodes of complications, respectively.
27 May 2012, 10:47

A list of products that help to eat less is made

Caloric content of the product and its satiety are concepts that do not always coincide. To nutritionists such a paradox is well known!
26 May 2012, 17:07

Compiled a list of the most useful types of tea

The most useful are the least processed types of tea - green and white, as well as various herbal teas (infusions).
26 May 2012, 12:52

Medicines containing calcium increase the risk of stroke

Millions of Britons who drink tablets to increase the strength of bones are seriously threatened. Doctors say that calcium intake should be strictly metered and only when it is really necessary.
26 May 2012, 12:03


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