
Science and Technology

Of human embryonic stem cells, the retina is grown

Human stem cells spontaneously form a tissue that develops into the retina - that tissue of the eye that allows us to see. This is reported in an article published in the journal Cell Stem Cell. In the future, transplantation of such a three-dimensional tissue can help patients with visual impairment.
18 June 2012, 08:51

Liposuction can be effective only under one condition

Physical exertion will help patients who have undergone liposuction to protect themselves from the return of removed fat stores. This is the conclusion of Brazilian researchers. Liposuction will remain one of the most popular cosmetic operations in the world, allowing to achieve instantaneous effect in the fight against excess weight. Alas, often after some time after the procedure, fat is returned to the place, or appears in other parts of the body, which makes patients even less healthy than before the operation.
15 June 2012, 10:21

In the body of a healthy person live about 10 thousand species of microbes

About 10 thousand species of microbes live in the organism of a healthy person. This conclusion was reached by American scientists who participated in a large-scale project called "Human Microbiome."
15 June 2012, 10:12

Healthy nutrition: why eat cellulose?

Foods rich in fiber are very useful for the human body. The thing is that they contain vegetable fibers, which shorten the time of food in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they purify the body, removing the slag from it.
15 June 2012, 10:09

Cholesterol reducing drugs cause the development of diabetes mellitus

Scientists say that cholesterol lowering drugs from the group of statins can cause the development of diabetes mellitus.
13 June 2012, 13:06

Scientists: the older the father, the longer the children live

For men who delay the issue of procreation for a long time, there was a strong argument in favor of such a delay: American scientists came to the conclusion that the older a child's father, the higher the chances of living a long life.
12 June 2012, 19:38

Human liver from stem cells

In Japan, a functioning human liver from stem cells has been created, which can not but inspire the hope of achieving the idea of artificially grown organs.
09 June 2012, 11:35

An eye exam can help identify people with stroke

A simple eye test can be an effective way to identify patients who are at high risk of stroke, according to scientists from the University of Zurich (Switzerland).
09 June 2012, 11:32

New Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

Austrian scientists started testing the new miracle vaccine.
09 June 2012, 11:29

Dairy products have a beneficial effect on the arteries

Adult people, whose diet contains dairy products, can reduce arterial stiffness and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, say scientists from the University of South Australia, the University of Maine (USA) and the Australian National University.
09 June 2012, 11:27


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