
Science and Technology

People will learn to erase unpleasant memories

People can be taught to erase unpleasant memories, as researchers from the University of St. Andrews found. Experts call this a breakthrough in the treatment of emotional disorders.
23 June 2012, 12:29

Early menopause is fraught with the development of an aneurysm in the brain

The data obtained by the scientists confirm the previously stated hypothesis that the pathogenesis of cerebral aneurysm is associated with fluctuations in the level of estrogen.
22 June 2012, 10:15

Japanese geneticists have grown liver cells from stem cells

Japanese geneticists used induced stem cells to produce the simplest liver analogue in the laboratory.
22 June 2012, 10:06

Bacteria that live on dogs prevent the development of asthma

"These microbes can become a protective barrier to a child from a disease such as asthma." This conclusion was made by specialists from the University of California under the leadership of Dr. Kay Fujimura.
21 June 2012, 12:36

A new form of coenzyme Q10 will be able to treat male infertility

Iranian scientists found that the form of coenzyme Q10, which is derived from yeast, is able to come to the rescue of men with reduced sperm motility, improving their kinetic characteristics.
21 June 2012, 12:26

Dental floss can cause cancer

Perhaps, we expose ourselves to the effects of carcinogens precisely in those moments when we seem to take care of our own health.
20 June 2012, 10:49

Tears will help in early diagnosis of cancer

Scientists have undertaken to find out whether human tears can be useful for the early diagnosis of prostate and breast cancer, as well as to confirm the predisposition to the development of these diseases.
20 June 2012, 10:30

Today is the summer solstice

Lita from the Anglo-Saxon dialect is translated as "the longest day of the year".
20 June 2012, 10:22

Chocolate enhances the effectiveness of medicines

Chocolate can enhance the effectiveness of medicines, say scientists from the United Kingdom. According to researchers of the British biotechnology company Lycotec, who conducted experiments in Cambridge, found a way to combine chocolate products with certain medicines not only to improve the taste of medicines, but also to enhance their medicinal properties. This is, in particular, the combination of chocolate and drugs to combat cholesterol, insulin resistance and the syndrome of a systemic inflammatory reaction.
19 June 2012, 10:33

Soon scientists will be able to extend a person's life by 30-35 years

Specialists of the Center for Biotechnology and Gene Therapy at the University of Barcelona managed to create a unique technique that was successfully tested on a group of experimental mice. Life of a person using these technologies is real and harmless to extend for 30-35 years, geneticists are convinced.
19 June 2012, 10:27


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