
Science and Technology

In female frigidity, testosterone is to blame

Scientists from the University of Michigan came to the conclusion that women with a high content of testosterone in the blood prefer masturbation to a full sexual intercourse with a man.
02 July 2012, 10:45

Alzheimer's disease is transmitted from the neuron to the neuron

Scientists from the Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) and the University of Lund (Lund University), Sweden, published a study specifying the mechanism of spreading the brain of Parkinson's disease. Experiments on rats with a model of this neurodegenerative disease reveal a process that previously explained mad cow disease: the migration of misfolded proteins from patients to healthy cells. This model has never before been so clearly demonstrated on a living body, and a breakthrough by scientists makes us a step closer to drugs that are able to actively intervene during Parkinson's disease.
02 July 2012, 09:58

Spinach increases muscular strength, proven by science

Nitrate, contained in spinach and other vegetables, increases muscle strength. Scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden) identified two proteins, the production of which is stimulated by the intake of this nitrate.
27 June 2012, 11:08

The cause of the migraine is a mutation of a section of the X chromosome

A region of the genome is found, mutations in which serve as one of the causes of migraine: this site is on the X chromosome and includes a gene that controls the level of iron in the brain cells.
27 June 2012, 11:03

Ultrasound tablet will help to stop regular injections of insulin

Americans have created an ultrasound tablet that promotes accelerated absorption of the drug in the digestive tract.
27 June 2012, 10:48

Nutritional supplements containing iron are able to treat fatigue

Nutritional supplements containing iron are able to cure people who suffer not only anemia, but also those who experience constant causeless fatigue.
26 June 2012, 10:17

IVF at a young age increases the risk of developing breast cancer in women

Australian scientists have found that the passage of the procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) at a young age increases the risk of developing breast cancer in women, reports FOX News.
26 June 2012, 09:59

Ancient gymnastics Tai Chi helps improve memory

Scientists at the University of South Florida and Fudan University in Shanghai have found an increase in brain volume and improved memory and thinking tests in elderly Chinese practitioners of ancient Tai Chi gymnastics three times a week, writes Medical Xpress.
25 June 2012, 12:09

The age-related decline in testosterone was associated with depression and obesity

The age-related decline in testosterone levels in men is not the result of aging, according to scientists from the University of Adelaide (Australia).
25 June 2012, 12:05

Dopamine is the true cause of disturbances in the rhythms of sleep

Employees of the Research Biomedical Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases have found out how dopamine affects a person's sleep.
23 June 2012, 22:19


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