
Science and Technology

Myopia can be of a genetic nature

Scientists say that they are one step closer to solving the problem of the most common eye disease in the world - myopia or myopia.
13 July 2012, 11:40

A cream has been developed that helps to reduce the size of the breast

British scientists have developed a special cream that will help reduce the size of the breasts for women who have large discomfort.
13 July 2012, 11:34

It is clarified which atherosclerotic plaques are responsible for stroke

Russian scientists with the help of the latest ultrasound technique were able to confirm that one of the main causes of stroke are mild atherosclerotic plaques of the carotid sinus (the place of expansion of the common carotid artery before branching to the outer and inner).
12 July 2012, 12:20

Wine stored in bags loses its properties

If we believe the French scientists (and we do not have any reason to believe them), the wine stored in various packages loses its unique bouquet and flavor. Key chemical compounds that provide these characteristic qualities are simply absorbed by packaging.
10 July 2012, 10:59

A polymer is developed that kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria

The problem of bacteria and antibiotics has existed for a long time and the only way to combat pathogens is to develop new types of antibiotics.
09 July 2012, 12:35

Biologists have found out why the skin reddens and itchs with sunburn

Damaged skin cells with sunburn secrete a large number of deformed signal RNA molecules that penetrate healthy cells and cause them to produce proteins that cause inflammation and other characteristic signs of "reloading" - redness and painful sensitivity, scientists say in an article published in the journal Nature Medicine .
09 July 2012, 12:27

Pistachios reduce the risk of cancer

All nuts are healthy for the health of the cardiovascular system, but pistachios can reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer.
07 July 2012, 12:45

Invented a drug that allows you to live without breathing

The drug, which will allow a person to withstand without breath for 15 to 30 minutes, was invented by scientists from the Children's Clinical Research Center located in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. This was reported to the journalists by the leading cardiologist of the center John Hare.
07 July 2012, 12:42

Ancient bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics are found out

A group of scientists in a remote cave in the US state of New Mexico discovered a previously unknown species of bacteria living in complete isolation from the outside world for at least the last 4 million years.
07 July 2012, 12:37

Normal cells help to survive cancer during chemotherapy

Sometimes cancer cells from the very beginning can withstand chemotherapy: as it turned out, they receive this "gift" from the proteins of healthy cells surrounding the tumor.
06 July 2012, 10:57


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