
Science and Technology

Scientists have proved that fans do not save from heat

All the usual fan, it turns out, can not save anyone in the heat. Unlike air conditioners, fans do not actually cool the air, but bring cold air from the outside, if you place it near the window.
18 July 2012, 13:16

Synthetic effective drug against latent HIV

Representatives of a new family of biologically active molecules, called brijologists, operate secret "reservoirs" containing latent HIV, which otherwise make the disease completely inaccessible to antiretroviral drugs.
18 July 2012, 12:48

An effective drug against prostate cancer based on tea and gold has been created

American biologists have created a special drug based on tea extract and radioactive nanoparticles made of gold, which quickly and safely destroys prostate cancer, and successfully tested it on tumors implanted in the body of mice, according to an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
17 July 2012, 10:02

Recommended intakes of vitamin C are not reaching their intended values

The recommended intake (RNP) of vitamin C does not reach half of the dose that should be, say scientists from the Linus Pauling Institute at the University of Oregon (USA). They believe that they have received convincing evidence that the RNP should be increased to 200 mg per day for an adult.
17 July 2012, 09:45

Baldness medication causes a permanent decrease in libido

The American found out that the cure for alopecia causes a persistent decline in libido regardless of the duration of admission. The results of a study conducted by Michael S. Irwig of the University of George Washington, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.
17 July 2012, 09:42

A gene is found responsible for the level of intellectual abilities of a person

Not so long ago, a large international team of geneticists from the United States, Europe, and Australia posted an article in one of the latest issues of the journal Nature Genetics that two different versions of the same gene that directly affects a person's intellectual abilities can either strengthen , or worsen these abilities.
16 July 2012, 12:52

New eco-mobile can drive up to 800 kilometers

Until now, one of the most important drawbacks of electric vehicles was their limited mileage on one battery charge.
16 July 2012, 12:40

Why is the human body unable to fight HIV?

Researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle (USA) found the answer to the question why the human body is not able to adequately combat acute HIV infection.
16 July 2012, 12:36

A new type of adipose tissue is described

A new type of fat tissue is described - beige fat. Its cells are similar to brown fat cells and also burn excess lipids with the formation of heat, but differ in a set of essential biochemical and genetic traits.
16 July 2012, 12:32

The malaria parasite makes the immune system forget about its existence

The malarious plasmodium causes immunity to forget about its existence: the parasite interferes with the development of lymphocytes, depleting the reserve of memory T-cells, which just have to remember the pathogens "in person".
16 July 2012, 12:30


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