
Science and Technology

Beige fat cells will help in the fight against obesity

Scientists of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) have identified a new type of energy-burning fat cells developing in the depot of white fat of an adult.
24 July 2012, 16:10

Vitamin D protects the lungs from the effects of smoking

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with worsening pulmonary function and a rapid long-term decline in this function in smokers.
23 July 2012, 21:45

Scientists have recreated a living organism in a computer model

The simplest microorganism that causes sexually transmitted infections has become the world's first biological organism, the functioning of which was simulated to the smallest detail on a computer.
23 July 2012, 15:56

Perfumes will produce germs

Do you know that in order to fill another container with aromatic liquid, it is necessary to exert hard work to extract vegetable oils from crops that, as luck would have it, grow on the edge of the Earth?
23 July 2012, 12:56

Scientists have deciphered the genome of the human sex cell

The genome of the human germ cell has been decoded for the first time.
23 July 2012, 11:51

Successfully tested universal drug for the prevention of heart disease

Four-component medicine for the prevention of cardiovascular disease has been successfully tested in elderly Britons.
20 July 2012, 11:46

Vegetables prevent the development of pancreatitis

American scientists from the University of Carolina summarized the results of the 11-year study. All this time they observed the health of 80,000 people. Specialists found out the causes of pancreatitis, not associated with cholelithiasis (the most common factor affecting the pancreas). As it turned out, in order not to have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to eat at least 4 different vegetables a day.
19 July 2012, 17:30

Artificial chromosomes help to cope with hereditary diseases

According to the press service of the Institute of Stem Cells, scientists from the Center for the Construction of Chromosomes, located at the University of Tottori in Japan, managed to get artificial human chromosomes that can be used for gene or cell therapy, in order to get rid of hereditary diseases.
19 July 2012, 14:30

Vitamin E protects against liver cancer

Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death in the world, the fifth most frequent type of cancer in men and the seventh in women. Almost 85% of cases occur in developing countries, with 54% only in China. In recent years, specialists have conducted several epidemiological studies to study the relationship between the intake of vitamin E and liver cancer, but their results were contradictory.
19 July 2012, 13:30

Physical exercises prevent the development of dementia

Specialists from the James A. Hayley Veterans Hospital in Florida (USA) analyzed the effect of physical activity at the age of 71 in 808 subjects who participated in two national studies on aging. The respondents answered questions three times about whether they had been engaged in vigorous physical activity in recent years, such as cycling, running, hard work at home.
19 July 2012, 13:00


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