
Science and Technology

Named a substance that can protect against all diseases

Scientists called the element, which is exactly worth regularly drinking for the sake of health promotion. Curiously, most people did not even hear of him.
02 August 2012, 19:25

Caffeine alleviates symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Caffeine acts on people with Parkinson's disease not at all like the healthy. The researchers found that it helps reduce the severity of the tremor and regains the ability to move normally.
02 August 2012, 16:55

Perhaps, a remedy for multiple sclerosis has been found

Each medal has in fact two sides, and in every villain there is always something good. Therefore, probably, it is not surprising that beta-amyloid proteins managed to become the heroes of the day.
02 August 2012, 08:39

Scientists are concerned about the new H3N8 influenza virus

American scientists, as in other things, and scientists around the world are seriously concerned about the new influenza virus, codenamed H3N8.
01 August 2012, 15:00

The first digital tablets are getting ready to enter the market

Swallowed microchips, included in the composition of tablets and pills, tell a lot about your doctor.
01 August 2012, 11:11

New cancer vaccine prolongs life

The German pharmaceutical company Immatics Biotechnologies reports in the journal Nature Medicine about the successful application of the multipeptide vaccine IMA901
31 July 2012, 22:44

Indian spice turmeric prevents the development of diabetes

Additives with curcumin contained in turmeric can prevent the development of diabetes in the risk group. This conclusion was voiced by Thai scientists
31 July 2012, 20:07

Twenty-year search for a drug for the treatment of stroke was crowned with success

A team of scientists at the University of Manchester, UK, presented a drug that dramatically reduces the degree of brain damage in stroke patients.
31 July 2012, 15:40

Scientists have come to a complete cure for pancreatic cancer

Having analyzed in detail the genes expressed by freely circulating tumor cells, scientists have identified a potential target for the treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer, which is considered one of the most aggressive.
31 July 2012, 13:40

The sun causes mutations in the genes leading to skin cancer

A special genetic mutation of RAC1, characteristic exclusively of skin cancer and caused by exposure to UV radiation, was identified by the Yale specialists together with the Queensland Institute for Medical Research.
31 July 2012, 11:41


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