
Science and Technology

A new mechanism for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Human neutrophils play a completely unexpected role of modulators in insulin resistance - the main characteristic of type 2 diabetes
06 August 2012, 19:42

People got immunity to rabies

Several Peruvians could survive after being infected with the rabies virus. Moreover, no one treated people.
03 September 2012, 15:17

A new technique based on electric current effectively fights against obesity

A new method has been discovered that is able to fight cardinally fatty deposits. And he works, based on the principle of effect on fat cells by electric current.
06 August 2012, 15:31

Natural plant substance prevents the development of breast cancer

The natural plant substance phenethyl-isothiocyanate (PEITC) prevents the development of tumors in the mammary gland in GM mice, "awarded" progressive breast cancer, similar to the human.
06 August 2012, 14:32

The effectiveness of a spray with skin cells in the treatment of trophic ulcers

Created by the American company Healthpoint Biotherapeutics, an external spray that contains skin cells was tested on 228 patients with trophic ulcers.
06 August 2012, 13:17

Gut bacteria alter women's metabolism during pregnancy

Intestinal microflora in a pregnant woman changes so that the fetus does not lack nutrients.
06 August 2012, 11:55

Women live longer than men due to mutations in DNA

Changes in mitochondrial DNA can lead to a difference in the life expectancy of women and men, scientists from Australia have established, Current Biology writes.
03 August 2012, 17:40

Scientists have found a gene that plays a central role in the development of melanoma

The mechanisms underlying melanoma, the most aggressive skin cancer, are largely unknown, and despite many years of intensive research, no effective methods of its treatment have been found.
03 August 2012, 15:40

Insomnia negatively affects the effectiveness of vaccination

Poor night sleep can adversely affect the effectiveness of vaccines, say researchers from the University of California in San Francisco (USA).
03 August 2012, 11:38

Scientists announced the discovery of cancer stem cells

Three independent groups of scientists simultaneously reported the discovery of so-called cancer stem cells - small groups of cells on which the growth of cancerous tumors depends.
03 August 2012, 10:38


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