
Science and Technology

Fat in dairy products is not associated with obesity

It is generally believed that saturated fat in foods provokes weight gain, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease.
31 July 2012, 10:37

Scientists have found an alternative to antibiotics

Researchers from Melbourne discovered the atomic structure of antibacterial viral protein, which can be used as an alternative to antibiotics.
30 July 2012, 16:00

Smart food will make you feel full faster

Scientists plan to create chemical additives that will make a person's brain feel saturated sooner - researchers expect that "smart" food can accustom people to moderation in food.
30 July 2012, 15:00

Developed nanoparticles that completely infect the hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis C, a viral disease that successfully "masks" other types of diseases, is one of the most dangerous types of hepatitis that has killed quite a few human lives.
27 July 2012, 13:20

A complex synthetic vaccine based on DNA molecules

In search of ways to create safer and more effective vaccines, scientists at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University have turned to a promising direction called DNA nanotechnology to get a completely new type of synthetic vaccine.
27 July 2012, 12:20

Anticancer drug activates latent HIV

A synthetic preparation has just been reported that triggers the signaling pathway, activating latent HIV, dormant within the T cells.
26 July 2012, 20:41

The drug has been successfully tested against all diseases of the brain

Scientists at Northwestern University in Chicago have been able to develop a drug that can be used to treat Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis, The Telegraph writes.
26 July 2012, 15:00

Cheeses and yoghurts reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus

Daily consumption of 55 grams of cheese or yogurt reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail, citing a study published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
25 July 2012, 14:00

A new method of treatment of severe lung diseases

Australian scientists have reported on the development of a new treatment for certain severe lung diseases, such as emphysema, asbestosis and severe asthma.
25 July 2012, 13:00

The award in $ 10 million for a solution of a secret of longevity is defined

In the US, announced the establishment of a special prize of $ 10 million - Genomics X Prize - which will be awarded to geneticists who discovered the secret of aging.
24 July 2012, 21:04


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