
Science and Technology

Protein sirtuin protects against the destructive effect of high-fat diet and obesity

In the absence of this protein in mice that are on a diet high in fat, metabolic disorders begin to develop much earlier
10 August 2012, 14:13

Japan intends to create a stem cell bank

According to scientists, with age, the motivation for sexual activity in men loses its sharpness.
09 August 2012, 15:50

How does ginger protect against diabetes?

Ginger allows you to control a high level of sugar in the blood, which is fraught with complications in diabetics with a long history of the disease
09 August 2012, 12:39

Popcorn can cause Alzheimer's disease

The sweetener in sweet corn can be associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease
09 August 2012, 10:33

Grapefruit juice increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy

Increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs, while reducing the dosage can be, if you drink grapefruit juice

08 August 2012, 17:02

Scientists intend to create a human simulator for drug testing

Scientists intend to create a simulator of the human body for testing drugs. The new technology will allow drug manufacturers to quickly test new drugs
07 August 2012, 12:04

Slimming perfume has already become a cherished dream of British women

The world's first perfume, helping to reduce weight, created by French perfumers.
07 August 2012, 10:36

In the US began to use digital microtablets

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the so-called digital microtablet in medical practice on the territory of the country
07 August 2012, 09:10

Chemotherapy can cause resistance of cancer cells to medicines

Chemotherapy, used in the treatment of cancer, can lead to greater resistance of cancer cells to medicines.
06 August 2012, 23:44

How did scientists approach the creation of the vaccine against HIV?

For a long time in all countries of the world is developing a vaccine that will help save millions of people from HIV infection.
06 August 2012, 21:33


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