
How does ginger protect against diabetes?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021

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09 August 2012, 12:39

Ginger - one of the most common spices and at the same time an ancient remedy in the countries of the Asian continent - allows you to control a high level of sugar in the blood, which is fraught with complications in diabetics with a long history of the disease. This was stated by scientists from the University of Sydney (University of Sydney), writes Medical Xpress.

How does ginger protect against diabetes?

According to the head of the study, professor of pharmaceutical chemistry Basil Rufogalis, extracts from the root of ginger Buderim were able to increase the absorption of glucose by muscle cells regardless of insulin. An important role in this process is played by gingerol - the main phenolic components of the ginger rhizome. The specialist together with colleagues studied gingerol-6 and gingerol-8 and found that it's all about their ability to increase the surface area of the GLUT4 protein distribution. When protein is localized on the surface of muscle cells, glucose easily penetrates into them.

B. Rufogalis notes that the ability of skeletal muscles to absorb glucose is significantly reduced in patients with type 2 diabetes due to impaired insulin signaling and GLUT4 inefficiency. "We hope that the promising results of the study will be studied in the near future in clinical trials on humans," the authors of the work comment.

Earlier, members of the medical school at the University of Michigan Medical School found that the root of ginger can fight inflammatory processes in the colon, so it is a good preventive against intestinal cancer.

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