
Science and Technology

Avocado promotes successful conception

Consumption of avocados and salads dressed with olive oil, increases the chances of women to successfully conceive during IVF.
06 July 2012, 10:40

Boredom at work causes obesity

Bored office employees are more likely to recover by 6 kilograms per year, as they are more prone to eating unhealthy snacks. So, experts believe that boredom at work fuels the epidemic of obesity. Also, according to a recent poll, to a large extent, the birthdays with cakes and other holidays arranged by the employees also contribute to the collection of excess weight.
05 July 2012, 12:18

How to choose the right swimsuit?

Now is the time for holidays and, naturally, many people are going to spend them on the beach. And the most important clothes on the beach for a woman is, of course, a swimsuit. And it is this element of the wardrobe that can advantageously emphasize the dignity of the figure. But with the same success can betray treacherously.
05 July 2012, 12:06

Cigarette smoke increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy

Under the action of nicotine, the wall of the fallopian tubes changes, becoming similar in structure to the wall of the uterus. Cigarette smoke increases the risk of ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy, reducing the expression of a specific fallopian tube gene called BAD.
05 July 2012, 11:51

A variety of medicinal hemp without drugs

In the northern part of the State of Israel, secretive plantations of a completely unique in their properties hemp spread out. From its ordinary varieties is distinguished by the fact that it is incapable of causing a narcotic effect. But in this plant, its positive effect from a medical point of view is preserved.
05 July 2012, 11:48

Perfect smile starts with baby teeth

An ideal smile begins in a deep childhood, and you need to look after your baby teeth
05 July 2012, 10:56

In Japan, this year the sale of meat clones

Scientists of the Institute of Cattle Breeding in Japan's Gifu Prefecture successfully obtained a clone from a frozen bull cell that died 16 years ago. It is noteworthy that over the 13-year-old life of the bull Yasufuku - the founder of the local breed of cows - from him was born 30 thousand calves. Currently, almost all the head of the Hidagyu breed are its descendants.
03 July 2012, 09:39

Alcohol, smoking and overweight do not affect the quality of sperm

British scientists have denied that the refusal of alcohol and smoking improves somehow the sperm of men suffering from infertility.
03 July 2012, 09:00

The culprit of chronic pain was increased excitability

American scientists have proved that the emotional reaction of a person can cause chronic pain. The results of the research team led by Professor Vania Apkarian from Northwestern University are published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
03 July 2012, 08:53

Over the past 34 years, 5 million "children from the test tube"

At least five million so-called "test tube children" have been born in the world since July 1978, when the first such child, Louise Brown, was born. This figure, according to MedicalXpress, was announced at the 28th annual congress of ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology), which takes place in Istanbul from July 1 to 4.
03 July 2012, 08:50


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