
Alcohol, smoking and overweight do not affect the quality of sperm

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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03 July 2012, 09:00

British scientists have denied that the refusal of alcohol and smoking improves somehow the sperm of men suffering from infertility.

This conclusion scientists from the University of Manchester did after studying the data on more than 2,200 representatives of the strong half of the 14 clinics where infertility is treated. Men were asked to fill out questionnaires, where they were asked questions about their way of life. After that, the results of the answers were compared with the results of the sperm analysis.

It turned out that some factors still influenced the number of live spermatozoa. For example, the low concentration was for men who survived the operation on testicles, blacks and those who engaged in heavy physical labor. It is interesting that alcohol habits, experience with drugs, smoking and obesity almost do not affect the quality of sperm.

Despite the fact that the vital image plays a big role in our state of health, the results of the experiment show that bad habits do not affect the number of live sperm in the sperm, scientists say.

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