
In female frigidity, testosterone is to blame

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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02 July 2012, 10:45

Scientists from the University of Michigan came to the conclusion that women with a high content of testosterone in the blood prefer masturbation to a full sexual intercourse with a man.

Scientists believe that the reason for the lack of interest in traditional sex in women is testosterone, responsible for men, on the contrary, for sexual desire. It is he who in the female body reduces the desire for sex, reducing the attractiveness of men in the eyes of women.

"The level of hormones is worth checking before you suspect frigidity. In women's dispassion in bed, testosterone is much more likely to blame than other factors, "says study author Sarah Anders.

Previously, scientists believed that men are more likely to think about sex because of the high content of testosterone in the blood, and women are less likely - because of its low content, now it has turned out that the female sexuality on the contrary - it interferes. One of the versions of the reasons for such sexual behavior is that, with high testosterone, women become more like men and can not treat the opposite sex as an object of lust.

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