
Chocolate enhances the effectiveness of medicines

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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19 June 2012, 10:33

Chocolate can enhance the effectiveness of medicines, say scientists from the United Kingdom. According to researchers of the British biotechnology company Lycotec, who conducted experiments in Cambridge, found a way to combine chocolate products with certain medicines not only to improve the taste of medicines, but also to enhance their medicinal properties. This is, in particular, the combination of chocolate and drugs to combat cholesterol, insulin resistance and the syndrome of a systemic inflammatory reaction.

According to the founder of "Likotek" Ivan Pitryaev, flavanols - active chemicals contained in cocoa, improve the saturation of the skin with oxygen and contribute to reducing the rate of aging, have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of the properties of drugs.

Chocolate enhances the effectiveness of medicines

Pitryaev said he is in talks with many pharmaceutical companies and producers of a popular cocoa product that are interested in cooperation.

Earlier, "Likotek" created an innovative type of chocolate, adding to its ingredients Coco-Lycosome (Coco-Lycosome), which is made from natural raw materials and has already been approved as a food additive in the EU. This substance increases the strength of flavanol 10-20 times, without changing the taste and texture of the product.

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