
Science and Technology

The mechanism of resistance of immune cells against HIV is revealed

Cells-macrophages, by releasing the AIDS virus, limit it access to the resources that the virus needs to reproduce.
13 February 2012, 19:15

Chemotherapy for malignant tumors is safe in pregnancy

Belgian scientists concluded that chemotherapy for malignant tumors is safe in pregnancy and does not require its interruption, MedPage Today reports. Their conclusions are confirmed by a series of reviews on this topic, published in The Lancet.
12 February 2012, 23:21

Scientists from the United States have developed a new technique for lung research (video)

Every year, about one and a half million people die from lung cancer. Scientists from the Cleveland Clinic and the University of Illinois are working on creating a new technique that will facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of this terrible disease
09 February 2012, 16:50

Gastric bacterium Helicobacter pylori reduces the risk of developing bronchial asthma

The Helicobacter pylori bacterium re-educates the host's immune system so that it stops attacking the bacterium itself, and also the respiratory tract cells, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing asthma.
09 February 2012, 16:12

Scientists presented the latest developments to combat depression

The newly created American Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies), bringing together researchers from various academic institutions in the country, presented projects for its development to combat depression.
08 February 2012, 19:48

Clinical trials of artificial retina have been successful

Second Sight, developer of retinal replacements Argus II (Greek eyeshadow), published the results of international clinical trials on blind patients with retinitis pigmentosa
08 February 2012, 19:21

Proteins that can cause age-related neurological diseases are found

Scientists from the Salk Institute for Biological Research (USA) have discovered proteins that can cause age-related neurological diseases, from mild memory deterioration to severe forms of dementia.
06 February 2012, 19:02

Scientists proposed a new explanation of the mechanism of action of red wine

American scientists have proposed a new explanation for the mechanism of action of resveratrol, a natural compound contained, for example, in red wine, which can presumably increase life expectancy.
05 February 2012, 20:35

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of arrhythmia by 30%

In elderly people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmia is 30% lower compared to peers with low levels of omega-3 ...
02 February 2012, 19:36

Scientists have discovered a way of "reading the thoughts" of a person

A striking method of reconstructing words that exist only in the form of thought in the human brain was demonstrated by American researchers.
01 February 2012, 20:08


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