
Science and Technology

Ovulation increases the susceptibility of women to infections

A new study published in the journal Leukocyte Biology suggests that high levels of estradiol during ovulation in women reduce the effectiveness of their immune system, which can lead to an increased risk of infection ...
10 January 2012, 21:15

As for a simple blood test in the first trimester of pregnancy, find out the sex of the child

A new study published in the journal FASEB Journal, describes the results that could lead to the development of non-invasive tests, allowing future mothers to know the sex of their child in the first trimester of pregnancy ...
12 January 2012, 20:00

Health: what will interest people in 2012

In 2012, consumer health trends are expected to be related to improving sleep, developing new energy drinks and smartphone applications ...
12 January 2012, 18:50

Scientists claim that multiple sclerosis is not an autoimmune disease

Scientists suggest that multiple sclerosis, which has long been regarded as an autoimmune disease, is not really a disease of the immune system ...
12 January 2012, 17:31

Scientists explain how hepatitis C virus survives in human liver

The millennium co-evolution of viruses has contributed to the development of their ability to use the human body for survival and reproduction, which makes treatment difficult ...
10 January 2012, 19:31

Scientists have synthesized new molecules to treat autoimmune diseases

A team of scientists from the Weizmann Institute decided to challenge the autoimmune diseases. With diseases such as Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's tissues.
03 January 2012, 20:18

Scientists have presented a full picture of the spread of HIV in the human body

Scientists from the Gladstone Institute, led by Nevan Krogan, announced the completion of a study that explains the mechanisms of the spread of the immunodeficiency virus in the human body ...
03 January 2012, 20:18

Scientists have found a mechanism to protect bacteria from fluoride

Scientists from Yale (USA) have uncovered molecular tricks used by bacteria to counteract fluorine, which is found in toothpastes and mouthwashes for controlling caries ...
28 December 2011, 15:50

Nitroglycerin can be effective in the treatment of certain cancers

Scientists from the Royal University have identified a new mechanism that could explain why the immune system is sometimes unable to fight cancer ...
28 December 2011, 14:14

Effective treatment of stroke by stem cells

Scientists: "Today, stroke is the most common cause of disability in adulthood, for this reason we need to find a strategy for activating stem cells to replace damaged tissues" ...
28 December 2011, 13:20


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