
Ovulation increases the susceptibility of women to infections

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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10 January 2012, 21:15

A new study published in the journal Leukocyte Biology suggests that high levels of estradiol during ovulation in women reduce the effectiveness of their immune system, which can lead to an increased risk of infection.

Scientists concluded that the ovarian cycle of women plays an important role in its susceptibility to infections. In particular, scientists from Spain and Austria found that women during ovulation more than at any other time during the reproductive cycle are susceptible to infections such as candida (Candida Albicans) and other sexually transmitted diseases. This natural "gap" in the woman's immunity, provided by nature, is necessary to improve the survival of spermatozoa and the successful fertilization of the egg.

"This discovery can be an explanation of why women ought to have a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV or HPV during ovulation ," said Miguel Reloso, a scientist who studies the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.

To control the effect of estradiol on infection treatment, scientists conducted a study in vivo in mice. Mice were given doses of estradiol, and then infected with C. Albicans. After studying mice, Relyoso and his colleagues found that the sex hormone estradiol increases susceptibility to systemic candidiasis (fungal infection). Mice with high levels of estradiol were more susceptible to fungal infection and had a lower Th17 immune response.

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