
Science and Technology

The activity of the nervous system affects the result of losing weight

A recent study by Australian scientists found that the activity of the human nervous system affects the effectiveness of weight loss in obesity.
07 December 2011, 19:13

Green tea flavonoids may prevent HCV infection

German scientists have established that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a flavonoid found in green tea, prevents the penetration of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) into liver cells.
06 December 2011, 20:21

Scientists have removed the world's first movie for the development of type 1 diabetes in real time

Scientists from the Institute of Allergy and Immunology La Hoya created the first film that shows the destruction of beta cells in type 1 diabetes in real time.
06 December 2011, 20:10

Scientists have found a molecule that prevents the development of allergies

Scientists have discovered a molecule of the releasing factor of histamine (FGP), which can become a potential target for developing new methods of treating allergies
06 December 2011, 19:59

Scientists have found anti-inflammatory properties in apples

Scientists have found another reason to include apples in the daily diet - polyphenols-antioxidants contained in the skin of apples that suppress excessive activity of T cells, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the intestine ...
01 December 2011, 15:57

Have biologists found effective protection against HIV infection?

For the last year scientists around the world have studied a group of powerful antibodies that have the ability to neutralize HIV ...
01 December 2011, 11:25

Scientists have developed a prototype of a super-powerful vaccine

Scientists from Brigham (BWH) have created a prototype vaccine glycoconjugate, which is 100 times more effective than all vaccines available today ...
30 November 2011, 21:17

Scientists have found a new way to defeat the drug resistance of superbugs

How to defeat an opponent who has acquired new effective protection mechanisms? Either develop a more powerful weapon, or find a way to undermine his new clever defender ...
30 November 2011, 11:58

Scientists have found the memory of the immune system

The immune system has a type of cells that remind it not to attack cells, tissues and organs of its own organism, the UCSF researchers found ...
29 November 2011, 15:03

Wi-Fi increases the risk of infertility among men

Argentine scientists say that Wi-Fi affects the fertility of men, increasing the risk of infertility ...
29 November 2011, 10:16


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