
Science and Technology

A chewing gum for weight loss is invented

Most people understand that losing weight requires a change in attitude towards the diet, diet and physical activity ...
23 November 2011, 15:48

The time of onset of a heart attack causes the degree of damage to the myocardium

The size of heart damage depends on the time of day of myocardial infarction attack ...
23 November 2011, 15:47

Meditation benefits the brain, scientifically proven

People who regularly practice meditation can learn to "turn off" areas of the brain associated with dreaminess, anxiety, schizophrenia and mental disorders ...
23 November 2011, 15:44

Low weight may be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease

Scientists from Kansas University Center for Alzheimer's Disease (Kansas City, USA) conducted a study on the relationship between the body mass index and Alzheimer's disease ...
23 November 2011, 12:20

Scientists have named three risk factors for the occurrence of respiratory distress in children

Children who before nine months of their age have started to eat fish, are less likely to suffer from respiratory disorders at preschool age. At the same time, children who were treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics in the first week of life, or their mother took paracetamol during pregnancy, have an increased risk of developing snoring at preschool age ...
23 November 2011, 10:46

Antibiotics for acne treatment increase the risk of developing angina

Young people who take oral antibiotics to treat acne are more likely to develop angina ...
22 November 2011, 17:09

Testing the vaccine against brain cancer shows positive results

Immunotherapeutic vaccine Rindopepimut showed positive results in prolonging the survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma - one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer ...
22 November 2011, 17:03

A new method for the safe relief of pain in humans has been discovered

Italian scientists have discovered a new tool for enhancing the effects of anandamide - a natural chemical like marijuana in the human body that alleviates pain ...
22 November 2011, 16:59

Study: A healthy male diet can increase the success of artificial insemination

The possibilities of successful in vitro fertilization increase if men adhere to a diet rich in fruits and grains ...
21 November 2011, 10:06

Scientists first recorded a woman's brain activity during orgasm (video)

The film animation - consisting of a series of pictures taken at a two-second interval - shows how 80 different areas of the brain (40 from each side) are involved in the occurrence of orgasm.
20 November 2011, 17:22


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