
Scientists have developed a laser technique for changing the color of the eyes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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03 November 2011, 17:15

Stroma Medical Corporation introduced a new method of changing the color of the eyes from brown to blue

As explained by the company's employees, this procedure consists in the destruction of the melanin pigment, which is responsible for the dark color of the iris of the eye by a special laser. The time of the procedure is about 20 seconds, and the change of eye color occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Some doctors have already questioned the safety of this procedure. So, Elmer Tu from the College of Ophthalmology in the US said that melanin, which is released into the intraocular fluid during the procedure, can cause the development of pigmentary glaucoma, which can subsequently lead to loss of vision.

To confirm these fears, the scientists intend to conduct additional studies for 6 months. If the safety of the technique is proven, the device will be able to appear on the medical market after 18 months. The cost of the device according to preliminary calculations will be about 5000 USD.

Director of Stroma Medical Corporation Daug Daniels said that changing the color of eyes with a laser will save a very large number of people from the need to wear contact lenses, which often interfere with vision and lead to the development of conjunctivitis and "dry eye" syndrome.

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