
Science and Technology

Scientists are developing a method that detects diseased tissue with sounding liposomes

Soon doctors will be able to hear not only wheezing in the lungs: British scientists are developing a method that will detect diseased tissues in the body using sounding liposomes.
24 August 2011, 22:53

Vitamin C is able to fight Alzheimer's disease

Scientists from Lund University (Sweden) discovered a new function of vitamin C: it is able to dissolve the toxic protein accumulations that form in the brain in Alzheimer's disease.
22 August 2011, 21:40

Maturation of the brain takes longer than expected

It was assumed that the brain reaches the desired "synaptic balance" by the age of 20. But it turned out that this age is greatly understated. A group of neurophysiologists from the universities of Zagreb (Croatia) and Yale (USA) studied the structure of the prefrontal cortex in 32 individuals
18 August 2011, 18:27

Scientists have figured out how cancer metastasizes

Scientists of the Cancer Research Institute have found out how cancer cells can be pushed out of the tumors and spread throughout the body ...
16 August 2011, 19:46

Due to gender differences in metabolism, men and women need to be treated differently

Based on gender differences in metabolism, it becomes necessary to modify approaches to treating patients of different sexes ...
15 August 2011, 23:02

Scientists have revised the molecular mechanisms of Parkinson's disease

The protein synuclein responsible for the formation of amyloid deposits in Parkinson's disease in healthy cells exists in a polymeric form, and in order to form a toxic amyloid precipitate, it must first leave the normal protein complexes.
15 August 2011, 18:57

The most secure font for sight is Verdana, 10-12 pixels in size

The most secure font for sight is Verdana, 10-12 points in size. This conclusion was reached by American scientists, having conducted a study funded by the customer of this font.
15 August 2011, 18:16

"Electronic skin" will be able to observe the functions of the organism in online mode

Follow the heart, brain and muscles can be without cumbersome electrodes and power systems. "Electronic skin" is the name of a new device that can monitor the functions of the organism in the online mode.
12 August 2011, 22:41

Scientists have figured out the molecular mechanism of myelination of axons

Scientists have figured out a molecular signaling mechanism that gives rise to the buildup of "electrical insulation" of neurons. It, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the ability of the central nervous system (CNS), in particular the brain.
12 August 2011, 22:22

Scientists have established the cause of the lack of ability to regenerate the cells of the heart muscle

Stem cell researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, established why adult cardiac muscle cells - cardiomyocytes - have lost the ability to proliferate, and perhaps explained why the human heart is so limited in its ability to regenerate.
12 August 2011, 21:17


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